Yes the wedding season is approaching and I am sure a lot of preps are on in most of the households who are hosting weddings of their daughter or son. A lot of preps take place even when you have to attend a wedding of a close cousin or a distant relative.. Yea yea.. the societal pressure to look your best and especially if you next up in the queue; you have to be the most decked up because a wedding is generally a playground for you to find 'the Mr Right' (sarcasm galore). But whatever it is we love decking up and weddings and other functions around it are nothing but just another reason for us to play dress up.
Each wedding has a distinct element of its own be it through the means of its decor, or through its simplicity. Sometimes its the grandeur that charms the guests and sometimes its the quirk. A wedding is generally an extended reflection of the personality of the bride and the groom.
And every season we see various wedding trends come and go and some are here to stay, be it wedding fashion, wedding songs, the sangeet trend, etc etc. But to be honest there are certain trends which are utterly disgusting and should be stopped right away. They have so much faf in it that they fall in the list of 'nothing but annoying'.
Today I m gonna be listing down 5 of such ultimate faf trends which have popped up in Indian weddings and people who are tying the knot should never ever fall for it.
Yes, this is utterly stupid. The photographer and his team who shall be responsible for cinematography shall try to push you for this saying that its the new in-thing. It basically covers your entire wedding in 3D and ofcourse you need 3D television and 3D glasses later to watch your videos. I mean who really wants see their own videos in 3D and then when I am inviting all my guests home to watch the wedding videos, I am going to have to buy a 3D television and ofcourse 3D glasses for all of my 50 guests. YEAH SURE!!!
Please do not even put your toenail in this trap because like I said its nothing but a trap. The quality of a 3D wedding is nothing close to a Disney movie and you shall end up looking shoddy in your own wedding video which you definitely dont want. This also costs upto lacs of rupees just for the equipment and another few lacs to edit and ofcourse another few lacs to buy that 3D TV. So much for that one video which is going to go in the attic after a few months of the wedding. Thanks but no thanks
This is how your wedding video might just end up looking

Wedding stylists are basically people who shall decide the look of your wedding. They shall sprinkle in a few technical words garnished with some extremely eloquent English that sounds classy and you are sold. These people tell you how the wedding should look, which flowers should be used for the wedding, which way should the flowers be arranged, what colour clothes should your mom wear as against what your dad is wearing, what scent should you be using, how should your lehenga swirl (No, I am not making this up) , how should your pictures look, what should be the theme of your wedding, etc. Basically, whatever your wedding planner and decorator could have done directly, a stylist is doing it indirectly because d'uh ofcourse they are gonna make you hire a decorator and a wedding planner eventually. You could totally google shit up and put an extremely fun yet elegant wedding together but people who are either not confident or have a lot of money and they want to flaunt of having a stylist hire one.
And mind you, a wedding stylist just to put things in perspective for you (from Pinterest and Google of course) coughs up a few lacs up your pockets. So please do not fall for this just because you can and its simply faf!!
3. Inviting celebrities for the weddings:
I am sure a lot of you know about this but my question is WWWHHHHHYYYYYYY???
I mean weddings is all about families coming together and the most important people are the bride and the groom but no there are certain families who want to take away that attention from the bride and the groom and shower all of it on a celebrity who charges a bomb just to make an appearance, who doesn't even know who's getting married to whom and is there just because you are showering shit loads of money on him/her. Who wouldn't click selfies with you then if you are paying them so much. Suddenly the talk of the town is that so and so had come to this one's wedding. Umm.. how about we give attention where its due. We shower all our focus and blessings on the two most important people of that day; The bride and the groom.
4. Finger print message book:

I dont know whether y'all have come across this one, but being a wedding planner I have got THIS particular demand a lot. Seems like its trending a lot. I mean ofcourse its important to have a message book and its very important to get creative and innovative there as it is an engaging factor too for the guests, but a finger print message book is like taking it too far. Firstly you don't know who all have stamped on that book because you obviously cant recognise the person with just his/her finger print. Secondly, that piece of chart paper is eventually gonna end up in trash can (ya..that's where) because look up, you don't know who's signed in there for you so its as good as useless for you and thirdly when I am all dressed up in finery and tried to look my elegant best all I want to do is smear some paint on my fingers and risk spoiling my outfit (ya right) That's something your guests don't want to do ..really.. believe me.. so throw this thought out of the window and brainstorm on a better idea.
5. Live broadcasting of your wedding
Oh yes, I am not making this up either. This is a thing, for real.. No KIDDING I Swear.. But this is surely the worst trend I have ever come across.
The whos who of the society who have a lot of cash to blow up and dont know where else to spend have started adopting this new faf trend. They tie up with the local cable guys and your wedding is broadcasted live.. like for real and the whole world can see it. This takes place majorly in the smaller towns where the communities are closely knit and cable is still a trending thing. But still, this is the ultimate crap I have come across. Its like I haven't called you for my wedding so here's me sending you all the minute by minute live footage bitch. I so totally want to do that right (sarcasm galore once again)
So guys.. please stay aware and stay away from such BS trends as they shall do you no good and you shall just ending up coughing a lot of money. A LOT.
If you know of such more faf trends write it down in your comments below or tell me on my facebook page.