Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Dear Bride, Calm Down

This is an open letter for all the brides to be.

Yes I know there's a lot of stress around you. The wedding date is approaching and there's so much to do!!
The lehengha has still not come, the gown does not fit well, the trousseau shopping is still remaining, you are yet to meet the decorator, you are yet to finalise on the food menu and oh of course you have to accompany all your family members for their shopping sprees and obviously that's pending yet.

Yes the Indian wedding does sound like one crazy mela with the bride at the centre of it all. There is no time to breath, no time to have your coffee alone, no time for friends. In short no time for yourself or for things you want to do.

Its an insane journey from the bride-to-be to the bride but trust me its all worth it. These are the moments you shall cherish forever.

My advice to you is.. Calm Down..
Dont let those bridezilla moments boggle you down. They will just add up to the stress lines on your face and nothing good shall come out of it.

You find most of the brides shouting and yelling either at vendors or friends or cousins or family members. But she is just venting her frustration out. Yes I know its easier said than done but seriously dont let the frustration get the better of you. Nobody is going to notice the lil spot that nail polish left on your skin or that flower which is looks ugly and hangs from the corner most part of your mandap.

All that matters is you are gonna be walking down the aisle with the person who loves you the most and feels that you look extremely ravishing as a bride. You dont want those stress lines to ruin that moment.. do you??

You should be thankful that all the people who matter to you in this world are standing by your side on that day and they dont care about those flowers or starters which were not as per your selection.

Another advice to you is always have a plan B.  Yes it might rain on that day even if you are getting married in December. The ghodi might not turn on time, the photographer may meet with an accident.. Yes such mishaps do happen and its very important to have a plan B. This way you shall not panic at the end moment and also shall you be able to carry on your functions like a boss.

I love how one of my friends was indulging herself into painting 10 days before the wedding and the next day she was gonna make a trip to the spa and the day after that she went out with her girls for some wine and shine. She was so relaxed about the whole thing that she just did not want marriage stress to touch her. This is called attending your wedding with a lot of swag.

So yes girls, just calm down... smile for your pictures, click lot of selfies and preserve this day as the most cherished one in your life than the most stressful one.

Bridezilla??? Says who???

1 comment:

  1. very well love! m probably gonna need these tips few months down the line... m glad ur keeping ur call.. this should be read by all bride to be's.. M sharing this <3

    All the Best and I am sure u r gonna be one rocking BRIDE !
